pro brewing for the common man

New World Pale

With the explosion of the new world hops at brewers’ disposal today it is easy to see why the older styles of hops are fading to the back of the pack. I feel it all started with Citra and has now led to hops like Galaxy, Mosaic, and Nelson Sauvign, just to name a few. They are bright and very aromatic, unlike anything old school brewers had seen before.

When aroma descriptors include mango, papaya, passion fruit, white grape, and peaches, how can you not be attracted to them? They are the most exciting thing happening in the beer world today and with each new hop that comes on the scene, it is exciting to see where they take it next.

When I arrived at my current brewery I had the task of overhauling a tired brand that had a not-so-exciting beer list. The first new beer I wanted to bring in was an IPA that featured at least one of these hops, if not a couple. I was unable to contract for much my first year with it being short notice to the growers. However, my next three years would see us using Mosaic extensively. I was very excited to add it to our flagship IPA.

Before adding Mosaic to the flagship, I needed a test run to try this hop out. I already had a plan in my head for this beer and knew I would also be using Centennial alongside it. I wanted my test beer to be a small, bright, and clean beer that really let the hops shine through. I decided to brew this on the big system and feature it in the taproom for a while and get some feedback back on it until I was ready to launch it to distribution.

I’m still not sold on the style of session IPA in general; I too often find it is just a pale ale riding the coattails of the popularity of the IPA name. So call it what you will, either way this turned out to be my favorite beer ever brewed to date.

I don’t like crystal malt for this type of beer. In conjunction with the yeast and hops I used, it can really just gunk things up to me. I also split the base malt with 2-row and pale malt to give extra body to the beer and let the hops steal the show.

Cheers and enjoy!


New World Pale recipe

For 5 gallon batch assuming 75% efficiency

1.047 OG

1.008 FG

5.1% abv  38 ibu



5.2 lbs rahr 2-row  51%

4.5 lbs rahr pale 44.1%

.5 lbs rahr white wheat 4.9%



5 g Nugget (16.2AA) @ 60 min

12 g mosaic  (12.5AA) @ 15 min

12 g Centennial  (8.9AA) @ 15 min

12 g mosaic @ 0 min

12 g Centennial @ 0 min

1.5 oz mosaic @ dry hop for 7 day

1.5 oz centennial @ dry hop for 7 days

Dry hop @ 64*F (18*C)



Giga yeast gy054 1 pack

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