pro brewing for the common man


When picking one particular style that defines me as a brewer, I will always gravitate towards this “New World” style pale ale/session IPA. They are very soft, delicate, well-rounded beers that are very drinkable. They are my “light” beer if you will. It is always the first beer I will hand someone if they let me choose for them. I brewed a beer a while back that was my favorite beer I have ever brewed, see New World Pale. I decided to revisit this style of beer since I had a tank open and nothing pressing needing to fill it. I am contracted for simcoe hops this year and knew I wanted them to be the primary focus in this beer. I also took the chance to experiment with a completely different malt bill. I absolutely love the way this beer turned out, it has a huge bright hop flavor and aroma with minimal bitterness and a nice, moderate haze. It showcases simcoe in all its glory, love it or hate it. (I love it!)

5 gallon batch assuming 85% efficiency

Mash temp: 152

Ferment @ 64F or 18C and allow free rise after 2 days

1.046 OG         1.010 FG

Collect 7 gallons in kettle and finish with 5.5 gallons post boil


6.72 lbs     American 2-Row (Rahr)

1.12 lbs      Golden Promise (Simpsons)

.31 lbs       Rolled Oats


8 grams  Simcoe (12.7%AA) @ 30 min

6 grams Centennial (8.9%AA) @ 15 min

6 grams Mosaic (12.5%AA) @ 15 min

11 grams  Simcoe (12.7%AA) @ 15 min

11 grams Mosaic (12.5%AA) @ 0 min

11 grams  Simcoe (12.7%AA) @ 0 min

11 grams Mosaic (12.5%AA) @ 1st dry hop

11 grams  Simcoe (12.7%AA) @ 1st dry hop

8 grams Centennial (8.9%AA) @ 2nd dry hop

8 grams Mosaic (12.5%AA) @ 2nd dry hop

11 grams  Simcoe (12.7%AA) @ 2nd dry hop



1 pack GY054 from Gigayeast


When beer reaches 1.012, rack into secondary on top of first dry hop addition. Allow rest for two days at 68-72F,(20-22C) then cool beer to 64F(18C) and add 2nd dry hop addition for 5 days. Package and enjoy fresh.

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